Mitipi moves to blueFACTORY
Mitipi and its employees have moved to the blueFACTORY site in Freiburg. The innovation site is an important hub for research and industry in the habitat of the future. It counts on the presence of the Smart Living Lab, a research development center of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), the University of Fribourg (Unifr) and the School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg (Heiafr).
We will be able to develop important synergies with academic and economic actors to develop our mission: KEEPING YOU SAFE!
Support of Fri Up and welcome in Fribourg
Kevin has found a new temporary home in the future wood-id building, an experimental wooden building that will house several other start-ups and Fri Up, the Fribourg incubator that welcomed us with great pomp!
Its director, Gregory Grin, invited the COO Qui Cung on RadioFR, whose entire episode can be heard here.

To celebrate our arrival, we discreetly slipped a promo code into the interview… We give it to you here: fribourg100 to be used on our store.
Article in La Liberté

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