KEVIN® is about preventing
burglaries, straightforward

We developed KEVIN® as a “homage” to the boy Kevin in the “Home Alone” movie, where he placed cardboards, played music, used light and sound effects to scare burglars away. The product KEVIN® makes realistic sound and light effects so that everybody passing by will think someone is at home. You could also customize your own sounds and even use KEVIN® as a bluetooth speaker, customize the sounds and effects of KEVIN® via the app, and put up a time schedule whenever you want KEVIN® to simulate. With this method, burglars will not know that you are not at home, and therefore will move on to the next house.

Six reasons why every home, store and office should have a KEVIN®

1. Burglaries happen more often than you think… and most people are just monitoring them

In the United States, a burglary happens every 10 to 15 seconds. Even during the pandemic year 2020, a total of more than 2.5 million burglaries¹ were taking place. The states with the highest burglary rates have been New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Washington, Louisiana, Mississippi, North and South Carolina. It is expected that in the US at least 75% of the citizens will be affected by burglaries during their lifetime. Only 48% of US citizens have one kind of anti-burglary system in place, whereas most of them have just a system in place that detects burglaries, rather than a system that prevents burglaries. As was lately revealed 38% of US homes own a home security product whereas very few prevent burglaries, most just monitor and detect burglaries. From these 38% homes:

¹ Burglary Statistics & Research from the BSJ and FBI | The Zebra. (n.d.).
² Home Security Statistics in 2021. (2021, September 29).    

In the UK, which is 5times smaller than the US in terms of its population, the numbers are similar. A burglary took place every 105 seconds in 2019 and 380’000 citizens were affected by burglaries.³ Burglaries in the UK also happen more often in the evening and during the night than during the day. 60% of burglaries happen between 6pm and 6am. So, it doesn’t matter where you live, burglars could enter anytime, night and day. In London alone, more than 110 burglaries happen every day!

Home Burglary Rates Around the World | Budget Direct. (n.d.). Auto & General.

2. An alarm system does not prevent burglars to intrude a home

Nowadays, more people are buying cameras and alarm systems. In Switzerland, it is expected that by 2026, 20% of the entire population will have some sort of protection against burglars in place. Houses with no security system have a 75%⁴ more likely chance to be intruded. So, owning a protection system will be more likely to keep burglars away. 10 years ago, 60%⁵ of burglars would look for an alternative target if they found some sort of alarm system. However, half of these burglars would still intrude a home, even if there was an alarm system in place.

The reason? They know that nobody is home, and no one is coming soon. The average duration of a burglary is less than 8 minutes, no time for the police to be there (and in most cases they have other priorities). Burglars also know that current systems only detect them by camera or alarm (with their covered heads and faces), but burglars will still be in your property looking for something valuable since there is no obstacle and no one is there to prevent them from stealing.
As the police in Zurich told us, most alarm systems are not effective enough from burglars entering a home and stealing anything. The main issue lies in the fact, that these systems rather detect than prevent a burglary.

KEVIN® is the solution for this problem. He is different from any other security system in the market. He prevents rather than detects. He does this by simulating a presence of human-beings and – if needed animals – with sounds, noises, moving shadows and light. There is no specific equipment or installation needed: KEVIN® is about ‘plug & play’ as he does all the simulation himself. Burglars will think that there is somebody home and will even not try intruding your home.

³Jackman, J. (2019, August 30). What are the Burglary Statistics in the UK? | January 2020. The Eco Experts.
⁴ Hunter, S. (2022, September 14). 6 Surprising Home Burglary Facts And Stats. Forbes Home.
⁵ Kuhns, J., Blevins, K., Lee, S., Sawyers, A., & Miller, B. (2012). Understanding Decisions to Burglarize from the Offender’s Perspective (pp. 1–64) [Review of Understanding Decisions to Burglarize from the Offender’s Perspective]. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology.

3. KEVIN® prevents you from having psychological stress

In the US three of four adults will become a victim of burglary. A lot of burglary victims experience severe psychological stress after it happened to them. Many have a permanently disturbed relationship with their own apartment or house. At least 45% victims stated that it has caused significant anguish. One out of four victims of a burglary find it harder to sleep.⁶

⁶admin. (2017, March 30). What impact does burglary have on victims? Calder Security Wakefield.

What is even more concerning is the fact that at least one out of four will experience a burglary again after they have already been burgled. This number is especially concerning because it has an even longer lasting effect on mental health. At least 24% could not be home alone anymore or have moved somewhere else. Moving is not a solution for prevention because it can happen again to your new home. No one wants to feel unsafe in his home and be a victim for the rest of his life.

‘You do not want to be a victim of a burglary’

What can I do to prevent this from happening (again)? A device like KEVIN® is needed. Some of the customers have mentioned that the current systems were ineffective and that it had a lasting effect on their mental health. KEVIN® will make you feel more comfortable when you are at home (by being a bluetooth speaker and serving also as a lamp) and will let you feel safe while you are away. He will make sure that no one will enter by making sounds, shadow and light effects so that everyone will think that you are at home. The device is custom based, meaning that you could make your own sounds and you could set up a time schedule or use geofencing when you leave your home, so that KEVIN® simulates you automatically while you are away. KEVIN® will make you feel safe.

4. Burglars do not want to be confronted with homeowners: That is why KEVIN® simulates human beings inside the home, 24/7

Burglars don’t like to be confronted with the homeowners. It is also risky for them, as the sentence at tribunal might suddenly be much more severe. As soon as they see somebody at home, they move on to the next home. Interestingly 50% of burglaries happen in the moment rather than they are planned.⁷

⁷Jackman, J. (2019, August 30). What are the Buglary Statistics in the UK? | January 2020. The Eco Experts.

Most burglars enter properties between 9 and 17h when they think homeowners are at work or went out for shopping. And of course, they would also intrude a home in the evening when they see no activation in a home. These are the situations when the likelihood of being confronted with the owners is small. This means that protection against burglars is always needed.

“When burglars see a presence in your house, they most likely don’t enter.”

So, how can I protect my house 24/7 from burglars? The answer is KEVIN®. Most of the current systems do not have special activation effects for burglars to think anyone is at home. As mentioned, KEVIN® simulates presence with lights and sound effects. It will look like somebody is at home. Since burglars do not like to be confronted with you, they would rather move on to the next house, than intrude your home.

5. KEVIN® is the easiest and most effective burglary prevention device. That is what our customers say.

Most burglary protection products need long instructions or difficult application tools on how to set-up something like a video surveillance or alarm system. Sometimes even maintenance support is needed to set it up. Other systems only work with an expensive monthly subscription. Some devices are easy to use but are expensive if you want to be effective. Using multiple devices (with some needed guidance and maintenance support) can be very expensive.⁸

KEVIN® is a unique product that is easy to initialize and apply in the house or property. To protect your home, you only need KEVIN®. There is even a Mitipi Kevin app that you can download and use so that you are able to customize the sound effects of your device as well as what kind of simulation he shall play and when he should be simulating. You could use KEVIN® even as a Bluetooth speaker to listen to your favorite music or radio station. What makes KEVIN® so special is that it is only one small device that has multiple functionalities and that offers flexible usage. No extra tools are needed, just you and KEVIN®. It is the perfect application for you to make your home safe and sound.

“Our customers are safe and happy as well!”

The actual survey among our first 3’100 customers has revealed that half of the customers already had an alarm system in place before they bought KEVIN®. One reason certainly was that more than 40% of them already experienced a burglary.
Today, 82% are satisfied or very satisfied with KEVIN1 and KEVIN2. 95% of the customers find KEVIN® easy or very easy to use, and 92% would recommend KEVIN® to a friend.
And the best: No one had experienced a burglary while KEVIN® was active.

These are outstanding numbers.

⁸ Kaysen, R. (2017, December 22). Do Security Systems Make Your Home Safer? The New York Times.

6. Thanks to KEVIN®, insurance companies can save a lot of money. Point this out to your insurer.

In the USA, the average insurance loss from a burglary is $2,800.9 51% of broken-in homes suffer a second burglary within 4 weeks of the first, usually by the same burglars.10 The average loss is again $2,800.
Insurance companies that immediately send or give a KEVIN® to those households that suffered a first burglary can easily save a lot of insurance money.
This is because the simulation of presence works. The first more than 3,000 Mitipi customers have revealed that no burglary was recorded while KEVIN® was running.

Tell your insurance company that they might give you a discount on the purchase of KEVIN®. The insurance company could also implement a programme with us and offer you KEVIN® for free or at a heavy discount. We are happy to do this.

9 Burglary Statistics & Research from the BSJ and FBI | The Zebra. (n.d.). Www.thezebra.com

10 17 Alarming Burglary Statistics in 2021. (n.d.). Legaljobs.io

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