Einbruchsprävention, Sicherheitstechnik, Einbruchsschutz, Heimsicherheit, Sicherheitstechnik, Haussicherheit

A lot of publicity for Mitipi

Now Mitipi has fully arrived in the media. The new collaboration with FriUp gives Mitipi a boost in the media.


One of the biggest print and online newspapers of Switzerland has written about us. Our CEO, Patrick Cotting, was invited to 20-Minuten to talk about our vision to make the households of Switzerland safer. They especially like the name “Kevin” and the reference to the movie “Home Alone”. You can read more here: 20-Minuten.

Freiburger Nachrichten

Although somewhat smaller than 20-Minuten, the Freiburger Nachrichten is more important. As a company of Fribourg, we are proud that the Freiburger Nachrichten published an article about us. We hope that many residents of Fribourg will take notice of us and that we can make our city a little safer. You can find the whole article here: Freiburger Nachrichten

La télé

Not only in the print media, but also on television we were allowed to present ourselves. Together with Markus Ith from FriUp we can be seen in a report from the French television La Télé. You can see the contribution here: La Télé


Also the Radio Freiburg wanted to report about Kevin. Patrick Cotting also told here about the visions and goals of Mitipi. We thank Radio Freiburg for allowing us to present our product. You can find the podcast and an article about it on the online magazine Frapp: Frapp

Einbruchsprävention, Sicherheitstechnik, Einbruchsschutz, Heimsicherheit, Sicherheitstechnik, Haussicherheit

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